Mycotoxins are toxic metabolites synthesized by fungal species that multiply in feed and foodstuffs due to unsuitable production, storage, and transportation conditions. It suppresses the immune system of all farm animals, especially poultry, reducing resistance to secondary diseases, causing toxicities, and leading to serious yield losses. Mycotoxins accumulated in the final products (meat/eggs) of animals fed with contaminated feed also pose threat to human health. We target mycotoxins with selected and high-quality products we have developed to use in poultry rations to prevent the negative effects of mycotoxins, protect human/animal health, and produce healthier food.
As Kartal, we show sensitivity to the mycotoxin problem that we also prioritize in our research and development studies. We protect against mycotoxins with our broad-spectrum, high adsorption capacity products, the effectiveness of which has been proven by Kartal Laboratory tests.
For more detailed information, you can contact our technical team.